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What if you have a no trespass order from your landlord for another?

Yes. Landlords are allowed to exclude people from their properties if they are trouble. I had a skinhead coming into one of my properties to harass one of my tenants who happened to be a young black lady. I excluded him from the property got a no trespass order on him. When you came back on the property after the order was issued and started harassing her again had him arrested and hauled off to jail. That's just one example of why a landlord would have a no trespass order or an exclusion against somebody coming on to their property. Drug dealers would be another great example but there are other reasons as well like somebody who was always drunk screaming and hollering and causing problems for the other tenants somebody who comes in and steals I won't go on the because the list is exhaustive. But yes a landlord can exclude people from his property and put a no trespass order against them if they come on the property he can have them arrested.

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