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Why do Enfield police officers give out no trespass orders?

I think there is some confusion. A trespass warning is not a court order. It does not require a judge to issue it. A business can request one to keep a soon to be former spouse off their premises if that person has hit or threatened one of their employees whethrr the other spouse has pressed charges for assault or anything else. A police officer can issue it. If the person who was warned returns to the premises, the owner or business can call police and have the person arrested for trespassing. A protective order is an order issued by a judge after certain procedures are followed at a court which likely includes a hearing. If the person who is the subject of the order fails to show up for the hearing, it can still be issued. This is the item in the question that requires a judge to sign it, so if the police served it the judge in a court was still the person who issued it. There is no possible way for the police to issue court orders. A person may end up with both of these things if for instance he has been harassing someone or if there has been an assault or a history of domestic violence plus threats. The police may be the ones to hand both documents to him, but if he reads them it should be clear who issued them and why. The actual laws vary by location (each state in the US has their own laws for example). Criminal Trespassing Law Domestic Violence: Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders - FindLaw

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